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Thread: [Official] Clan Outreach
Proposed new system:
No major complaints, looks better than the current one, given the state the community is in.

No easy way around it. Counting steam hours is abusable, so is just counting the posts/replays. Not only replay-making takes a lot of time, but giving a proper c&c is pretty important as well. You'd have to go case by case, checking activity of clans in their replay threads manually. However, as that's a clan activity we're talking about here, only replays posted in the clan board would be taken into consideration. One does not need to be in a clan to be a replay maker, therefore, posts from replays board would not count. You want the replay to count towards the activity of your clan? Post it in your board, make the members discuss it. It could be easier just to check those threads in clans that identify as mainly single player or hybrid ones.

Maybe you could even automate it a bit, with a script to count posts and replays, with a disclaimer that if an abuse of the system is detected (random checks from CS members once in a while), clan gets an instant strike.

Rating the replays is a subjective thing and I would not go there/wouldn't include that in the process of checking the activity. Obviously, standing still for 500 frames would not fly, but otherwise I would steer clear from going ,,your decap is not good enough to be a proper sp replay".

There is also an issue with people simply posting older replays with new names, slightly edited movement or just stolen one. Unless you were to check every single replay in the thread when the new replay is posted, you couldn't be sure if clan is not just trolling you by posting the same 10 reps again and again.

Inactive ranks:
I get your point, however, some people are not coming back. Even if, by some miracle, f.ex. Azuma resurrects himself from the dead, I'm sure I would notice him shitposting around forums/discord and move him to one of the active ranks for that month. Not counting inactive members for the checks under current system would give us a small point boost. Not enough to argue over, though, so I'll leave it be.

Perks/points to get perks:
Consider giving clans rewards for important events in their history. Clan video or clan picture appeared - cool, not many bother to do those anymore, have some points. You passed an important anniversary? We appreciate you being there, have some more. That'd require some more work from CS but I feel that this kind of personal touch would be appreciated.

Clans are about playing together - give some point boosts if more than 3 players from the same clan gather and play on the same server.

What could slightly improve the competitiveness of clans is:
- introducing monthly or bi-monthly (tied with checks) rankings for clan wars, where top 3 clans from that period get additional perk points bonus. General ,,all-time" ranking is fine, but some clans farmed shittons of wins over the years, looking at monthly/bi-monthly dynamics would be more interesting.
- introducing clan ranks to the ranked seasons as well. You'd have to think about the exact formula for counting that (adding the elo points of clan members that play rankeds and/or dividing that by the number of clan members that play ranked might be a bit too simple), but I'm sure you could figure it out. Give top clan from each season additional perk points and some small item/tc prize.
- introducing clan vs clan competition state. What I mean is: Clan A and Clan B can bet certain amount of their perk points against each other. After set time passes, whichever clan was more active during that period, wins the bet and gets the points.

No time to think about more stuff for now but I will keep my eyes on the thread.

@ele: not sure I could be bothered :^)