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Thread: [Official] Clan Outreach
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Feels ignorant of the core of the problem whereby if a clan is active enough to participate/win an event, then it should be fine in the activity checks. I'd prefer to take the checks to a point where it's reliable in those situations, rather than adding stipulations.
If the check says someone's inactive just after winning clan league, it's indicative of a larger problem that needs addressing, not just putting a bandaid on it and calling it good.

Yes, the problem it's indicative of is a shitty automated system... Christ.

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
I really don't like the idea of a clan having to categorize themselves and then forcing their activity to go in a certain direction. Again, I'd prefer to just work under a system where all avenues of activity are viable, and any mix of them is good.

Explain to me how it 'forces' a clans activity in a direction. All it does is provide them with ANOTHER method of achieving activity. It doesn't take anything away. If you don't like this idea because I came up with it, just say that instead.

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
The only way a bloated roster would be disadvantaged is if over 50% of it is inactive dead dudes, at which point it probably makes a bit of sense that the clan struggles to maintain activity, right?

Not when it's possible for the clan you're describing to still have 10 active members and not achieve full activity points, which CAN BE the case when inactive ranks are not considered. This is why we brought it up.

You and sir say inactive ranks functionally change nothing, but you're just flat-out wrong.

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Not all of the perks are gonna be ground breaking, the meh ones are cool for unofficial dudes too. If we add a lot, and are a bit cerative with it then there should be a decent mix.

W/e, keep your meh perks. It's a comparatively minor point.

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Ladies and gentlemen, Ele approves of something.

Dude, fuck you. Unnecessary shade, especially when all I'm doing here is helping out. If you don't want me posting, or you're not going to take what I say seriously, just tell me not to post here.

I expected better from you, Mr. 'Community Cultivation'.

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
It seems far more appropriate to adapt the current criteria, and the systems we do have to just be aware the clans use discord for most short term communication ... That's where I stand on discord checks.

So what does this mean? Are you going to consider Discord or no? You don't want it formalised, but you want to be aware of it? What does this actually mean for clans with discords?
Last edited by Ele; Jan 17, 2019 at 02:05 PM.