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Thread: [Official] Clan Outreach
Originally Posted by nikosefs
so with these changes in the system, if i were to reapply jolly for official,what would be our chances?

our problem is the big inactive roster of members that
we dont want to kick,can now x small number of active
players take the burden of their x inactive brothers?

also an idea for sp clans, is it possible to make online
servers but with uke as opponent, that way you could monitor them just as mp clans with games played
(got the idea from single player games that require online connection)

Hey niko, glad we could talk about this on discord but I just wanted to make a formal response for you. <3
With these current changes, JollyR would still be too inactive to qualify, unfortunately.
Ultimately one man can't carry an entire clan, as much as I'd love to see another JollyR uprising.
As for the sp thing, we did actually look into something like that, and it's something we're still discussing but it would probably end up as a thing for Toribash Next if it happens. Which is still pretty neat - just for collective replay making and stuff, even if it's no longer necessary for activity checks.

Originally Posted by Ele
Yes, the problem it's indicative of is a shitty automated system... Christ.

The problem was indicative of poor criteria that has (hoepfully) now been adjusted so this doesn't happen again.

Originally Posted by Ele
So what does this mean? Are you going to consider Discord or no? You don't want it formalised, but you want to be aware of it? What does this actually mean for clans with discords?

To clarify:
The criteria should be aware of discord. By this I mean that I know discord is currently the best way to communicate. And so the criteria reflects that. Forum activity will have a relatively low floor and ceiling.
Writing this post I performed an activity check. 2 clans were close to the 50 posts mark, and 2 clans fell below it.
RelaxAll - 55
WAPOW - 54
Desolate - 34
Tribe - 28
200 posts a month sees a clan pass the activity check already. 12 clans hit that mark.
There is literal empirical evidence that the current forum-based activity criteria is plenty effective on its own without measuring discord.

Originally Posted by Ele
Dude, fuck you. Unnecessary shade, especially when all I'm doing here is helping out. If you don't want me posting, or you're not going to take what I say seriously, just tell me not to post here.

I expected better from you, Mr. 'Community Cultivation'.

Ok, I don't want you posting here any more. Easy.
Consider this your 'ban' from this thread.
This thread is to cultivate helpful responses, build a dialogue and ultimately craft a better system. 90% of what you bring to the table is toxicity and bile. I give you one line of sass and suddenly I've crossed a line.
I've been in the job a week and I'm already done with your nonsense. Previous admins would humour you, I won't.
If you take issue with this, pm one of my superiors.

Originally Posted by Jack
I’ve been detached from the community for a bit, so I don’t want to give criticism, without knowing the whole situation.

What i want to suggest is that the activity points be reset after every check, hard resetting the scores to 0 after an activity check, in this case 2 months (the ones that leaders use i mean) because it’s pretty annoying to look at the activity and ponder if the activity that people have is just last months activity that they got at the end of the month. And maybe have a “Activity Hostory” (saves the activity of the last x checks) that way leaders can judge there members.

As for the sp activity, idk if i’m speaking sci fi scenario here, but it would be cool if the game had a tracking system that would track the joints clicked, frames skipped, time spent on a replay then somehow converting that to activity points (but quite small for just those), then if they upload it they get a multiplier that would boost the score (idk how replays are managed but if joke replays get removed by staff, it doesn’t sound too bad), also somehow give more points if you get cnc from respected replay makers/respected players. Just wild ideas that might seem fun to think about.

Hey dude, welcome back haha. Good to see you taking the time to acclimatize, much appreciated.
I can sympathise with that notion of having a reset. I'll look into having like a tick box, so that when a clan (or myself) checks activity it has the option to reset.
I'm not 100% how it'd work yet, but I appreciate the idea. Will pass it along to sir.
The sp thing: little bit sci fi my dude. Not sure it's something we could reliably get going. But appreciate the input.

Originally Posted by Lionet
regarding inactivity ranks, I think there is no harm on adding them. Some clans have members that just wont come back and even if they do, they're less likely to play the game often again. I just can't tell to what extend this feature should be "easily handled" by the clan, when someone is going inactive for a while they can just put them as inactive until this person come back, and this runs far away from the "members we don't want to kick" speech. That said, I prefer not having inactivity ranks for the time being

The more I read on it the more I'm torn on the issue, and I hope you see my dilema.
On the one hand, if a clan has over 50% of its members totally dead, that clan clearly can't be considered as active as a clan like evo, whereby a lot of their older members still play and get involved. I don't think anyone is arguing that.
On the other hand, I totally understand the sentiment of not wanting to kick oldies from the clan, which ultimately leads to a clan filling up with people who have gone inactive.
There is a long term issue there, but I don't know as a straight up inactive rank that excludes them from checks is the way forward.
I'll reignite some discussions on it, and see what happens. No promises obviously but I can at least get it talked about some more for you guys.

To clarify, the activity points are only penalised if over 50% of the clan is inactive.
Last edited by Erth; Jan 19, 2019 at 05:39 PM.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.