Originally Posted by piss View Post
we may have had disagreements in the past but honestly your music taste is a W

I wasn't huge into music until I was 13 when I listened to a testament record and i was like "yo this shit is gas", and i've been exploring it more

my most recent topster (first 13 are 10/10 for me) may seem pretty linear but it's my taste


Huge into metal (melo, prog, tech death personal favorite) and hip-hop, recently listened to quadeca's and nas' new lp's, pretty good shit, can't believe quadeca dissed KSI at one point lmao; I've been exploring other genres like math and noise rock, thanks for the introduction to boris, pretty killer. Also listened to a lot of TWICE recently.

death is my favorite band, and by extension artist, of all time, and nothing will ever change that fact

if you ever want to recommend me anything hmu, would love to explore a lot more

from the stuff i recognize this is a very very good topster W black midi i've heard jid is really real good album quadeca is honestly my album of the year so seeing that so low is weird 2 me and also LP! is great

my official 2022 topster

here is a great album by my friend authks and here is my rym review.

A Milestone Moment in Authks' Career


Authks has a very very good grasp on how to make something that really has no business being emotional emotional. Don't get me wrong there are some very blatant emotional moments, and they are crafted delicately even if they can be a bit minimal at times they still sound very full. That being said: these dance tracks feel so melancholic put into the context of the rest of the album, and can we talk about the concept??? I mean hello this is fucking genius shit dude. Having all these little completely different pieces fit together into this perfect little puzzle is an achievement in of itself.

If i were to criticize anything on this album i would say that there are some moments where I think the vocals really suffer. I will say Authks vocals have shown incredible improvement over the past years, and I can excuse some of the faults to just being growing pains, because I can really relate with my art. I get to cheat a little, and like them anyway because I do just like hearing my friends art, but if that's not something you can handle I totally understand. Just give him the credit he deserves because when he hits by god does he hit.


Hearing Memories for the first time was insane. Having the honor to be sampled on this song is something I will hold very closely from now on. The vocal performance is outstanding, and amazingly mixed. Well done my friend.

The synth lead in Telephone on the back half of that song is very cute, and catchy. One of my favorite little moments, on top of the transition from Telephone to Listen to Me being really good is just a cherry on top. The sample being amazing, and that drum pattern being very very good. The switch-up for the outro too is really good too; And while I'm in this little 3 song stretch I'd like to say that Exstacy and really all the other short dance songs on the album are really really good.

Every single thing about The Darkness of My Culture Is amazing, those fucking vocals! That first section with the sexy beat is amazing, The switch up is really really cool. I get a very very overwhelming sense of dread listening to that hypnotic beat. The production too really makes it feel like I'm somewhere I'm not supposed to be. The way this leads into Rest in Peace Spooky Black a very short interlude regarding [Artist1014134], and then directly into Ramen Noodles is amazing. A complete and total tonal shift, Ramen Noodles is one of my favorites on the whole album. It's insane droning terrifying synths like screams suddenly transitioning into a dance beat is terrifyingly creative, not to mention fucking awesome.

His Love Felt Like This is another highlight to me because of the context behind it. To quote Authks: "his love felt like was a recording of a rave me and my ex went to some tike before us breaking up this was like my parting thank u for our time together"
. The way this track is implemented into the album seamlessly, and knowing the context behind it makes it so so so much cooler than it already is. Just knowing that this is a very emotional moment for the two of them elevates it to being something incredibly special; More than a sample its art in of itself.

Closing Thoughts:

This is an absolutely gigantic leap in quality, and creativity from Authks; Chidi is a very creative album with a concept I've never seen executed this well. I would usually say I'm excited to hear his next project, though something tells me I might be a little more involved with his next project. ;)
Yes, I was sampled on this album
Yes, I do personally know the artist

I went into the album completely blind, which is why I think its acceptable for me to rate, and review it.
Also, I would like to say that me enjoying this album, is yes a little elevated by the fact that I personally know the artist THOUGH that does not mean I wouldn't enjoy this if a complete stranger made it.

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