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Thread: [Official] Ranking
Originally Posted by mwah View Post
thanks for the update to the game, I had a few suggestions that may be applicable to make the experience better (more competitive, skill influenced):

whatever will be the main mods decided for ranking, I think it would be beneficial to have 5 ranked servers that develop mod rank elo only in the respective mods. I think this will give a more accurate representation of the top players in each mod, without effecting their global rank by only playing 1 mod. as it stands, the mods from what I know are randomized in the ranked servers. so if I want to be rank 1 in a specific mod that I feel that I am good at or a top player in I don't get as much opportunity to show that.

a few mods should be removed and replaced:

lenshu arena (either replace it with lenshu3ng, or lenshu13) - I understand the concern is with running, but this is an aspect that shouldn't necessarily be removed. the top players in that mod can chase and still win the game, it's more difficult but it is literally a mechanic of the game mode. it's actually really limiting... if this is the course that competitive play is going we might as well develop a way to remove the grab glitch mechanic from all the aikido mods as well (but afaik this is impossible).

rk-mma (replace with the rk in a box mod) - although this is my favorite mod, it's a bit more floaty for most players to consider it competitive (*scrubs). so to make it more accessible to the full player base in ranking I would suggest to use the rk version with a dome. that way, if lenshu arena is replaced with lenshu13 the similarities wont be as close and players wont confuse it with being the same mod.

abd - replace with fearkido, I think most of the bet servers proved that fearkido is a better adjustment to that game mode. not worrying about wrist breaking on moves opens up more diverse gameplay for ranking.

boxshu - can we really not find a replacement for this mod? if any, lets replace that with judofrac since there are more striking mods than grappling anyway. boxshu being competitve was a meme created a long time ago by itemp and shmevin when it first came out because it was a fast way to duel other players because of the instagib while having some semblance of wushu.

mods to add:

kickbox - its a faster harder version of tk, this mod got lost some years ago in competitive but I think it's a better alternative to erth_tk without giving up the nature of that mod

judofrac - I think it should be added, period. judo was always a staple and judofrac is the most competitive version of that mod.

lenshu13 has the same problem as you had with rk-mma. I think the solution is a simple fearkido,lenshu3ng,tk,boxshu,(maybe) judofrac split. Also having lenshu and rk in the same split is redundant and most players prefer lenshu3ng as its more comp.