Originally Posted by dooleyd View Post
Who did the voice clips for the sounds of tori and uke?

I made some of the vocals like the "Bwaaah" ... "Ouaaaw", etc (pain3–pain8.wav ones). Also a few cough-noises and if memory serves correct, some bone crunch and gore sounds as well (not sure how many made it into the game).

Contacted Hampus back in ~2006 asking if I could do some sounds, since I found the game really unique and special (never got around to dive too deep in it though). He was cool with that and I felt pretty stoked creating sounds for a computer game! Not that I think they came out super professional by any stretch, haha. Nowaydays I guess it's something I can't resist bragging about for my three, now teenage sons, who weren't even born at the time

The vocals were influenced by an ancient game called IK+ or International Karate+, for the Commodore 64 and Amiga 500 (the toys of my childhood). Probably, pain7.wav came closest in similarity.

That's about it. Long story about a tiny contribution in game audio history. Take care you all!


Sound example:

Last edited by 123Combo; Feb 12, 2024 at 03:44 PM.