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Lol is this a joke?
In the realm of code and pixel, where dreams and games entwine,
There lived a dev named Sir, known for promises divine.
Toribash Next, the sequel grand, a decade's wait in line,
But alas, it stumbled hard, a failure quite malign.

Sir, the wizard with a keyboard, conjured a digital show,
His promises were bold, but the outcome, oh, so low.
Graphics reminiscent of dial-up, a trip to the past, you know,
Players wondered if the game was just a cruel hoax to sow.

Toribash veterans gathered, anticipation in the air,
Hoping for epic battles, a sequel beyond compare.
Instead, they found a mess, a game beyond repair,
And all eyes turned to Sir, the one caught in the snare.

Sir, oh Sir, the blame on you we bestow,
For 'Toribash Next' turned out to be a tremendous blow.
The forums lit ablaze, with disappointment in each throw,
As players realized their dreams had hit a digital plateau.

The comedy of errors, a tale so grand,
Toribash Next, a failure by Sir's hand.
A cautionary story in the gaming land,
Of overpromising wizards, and dreams that turn to sand.
Last edited by ToribashWAS; Feb 14, 2024 at 08:58 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump