Originally Posted by patryx101 View Post
Hey guys, im 25, and im from Hungary. Im playing toribash for almost 14 years, and im always strive to be the best in every game, and also have several world records in my history in different games, sadly not a single one in toribash. (nfs world 7 wr, Forza horizon 3 3wr, forza horizon 5 1wr, and on private wow server called tauri i was and still the goat after 15 years with warrior class). My one and only real award in Toribash was lowkido_brutal.tbm rank 1 modmania challenge, i went stupid hard on it, i needed something to be rank 1 for once in this game. Im highly car oriented and my main hobbies is mostly car related, i own a 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipse, taking it to the track and daily drive it too, not skipping carshows either.

My main specialty is Lenshu3ng.tbm, but i also love Ninjutsu.tbm, Lowkido_brutal.tbm, and Aikido.tbm, my win ratio ingame is 80% and 13063 matches and my global rank is 35 (doesnt know why website shows 60%)

Im here to join the clan cuz Miles told me here are only pros, and im hoping that i meet your restrictions.

We appreciate the application but unfortunately the decision is a no. We do encourage you to interact with us more in discord and in game if you decide to apply again at a later time.