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Real Name: James .B
Age: 18
Nationality: Canadian
A little about yourself: I played toribash for 4 Years , Pure fun.
Belt+QI:954 (nearly black belt) ( at least 20 alt's account)
Best (Most liked) Mods: Judo , Wushu , Twinsword , (im good at everything)
Forum activity(/10): 6/10
ingame activity(/10): 20/10
People you know in the clan: I saw a couple of Flip clan tag Ingame
Previous Clans (Why left?):Everyone Left i was the last one in (Bery)
Previous Bans (Why?): Nada
Previous infraction: Stole a Icecream to a kid
Alts: SOHOTX , Smileys , Crocops , GentleKick , Torishit , Etc ....
Why you want to join this clan: Im always on the flip mode So i wanted backflip Friend !
Can do anything for the clan: Maybe Avatar with Gimp
(Videos, Art, etc.)+eg: Art ( im working on a set)
Skype name : Jamix99
3replays(2SP . 1MP): Can't post replays , i dont know why