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Hello guy's, My name is Isaiah. I am 16 years old. My birthday is June 11th, 1998. I am 6'5" and I play basketball. I am an artist. I am a Black belt in Toribash. My alt account is xClumsy- Brown belt. I am good at Mushu mods and Akkido mods. I was once in the clan dark on my alt account. I left because one of the members was racist and I got mad at him then I got banned for flaming :/ Probably not a good thing to put in an app but I was standing up for something I believe in. You need me because I can be an active member of the clan, help in clan wars maybe even the leauge. I have some TC not much I can help member's that need 5k-10k. I am a very nice a generous person if you are on my good side. It takes a lot not to be. I like being friendly and talking to people. I need to be apart of something because I am home schooled and sometimes I get lonely. So this clan will also help me. Thank you for reading.
Skype: emb091314
Country: United States
"Don't hate someone you cannot imitate."-AgentSonic