oblivion is my idol and i'll never be as good as him </3
i agree that new generations will look at past ones and want to be alike. but, like in all things there'll be a limit, and considering not too much has changed, (like gravity standards), i think we're close to the limit of groundbreaking replays. unless of course someone thinks out of the box, which quite honestly im not seeing anymore, new generations will eventually reach the greatest they think they can be, lose interest, and become inactive. not mentioning any names of course. swexx, largekilla, pulse.

you can visibly see this in older replay makers to the new ones. older replaymakers have the same style they had when in their prime. they were more flamboyant due to replaymakers like chezda in the ol days. nowadays the hype is realism from swexx and largekilla, (which has lived on for a long time).

there is a tiny trend of hacking but not too many people do it. mainly because no one teaches anymore.

i think we should start teaching again, and have a new trend or something.
Last edited by Tsuion; Jan 13, 2016 at 04:12 AM.
tsu tsu cuckoo