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Thread: Evolve
Absolute trash.

Basically where I learned how to make stuff explode.

2013 2 months later
Tried to look cool and make stuff explode at the same time, it was a cool attempt but that's all really.

2013 another 4 months later
It looked cool, that was basically it.

very early 2014
Ending sucked, but the opening was v nice. Showed off my movement and ability to make stuff explode.

2 weeks into 2014
First time putting together good movement, cool explosions and hacking.

march 2014
that one replay that made pusga do /opt tori 0 and basically everyone sucked my dick over it

august 2014
the cool replay where I focused on movement instead of explosions. I went fast.

september 2014
Clean, simple, unique. Just well put together.

Last 2 are definitely my peak, I just died off after. Maybe I'll make a comeback this year.

That one time I went back to making stuff explode.