My original inspiration for making replays was Pulse. I would watch his replay in the default folder for hours at a time while adjusting the speed and listening to music. I would attempt to meticulously analyze it and see how it worked.

Something that really helped me out was Taekkyon. As it is similar to Classic, and some of the movements can resemble those found in single-player, I took the strategies I used in it to make some things. At first, I didn't know how to make openers, so, what I would do was edit other people's replays and apply my own techniques to them.

As soon as I joined ORMO my skill advancement haulted. I believe it was because I had no reason to anymore, for me, ORMO was the best I would've ever gotten (At the time). Now I think I'm starting to improve again, all be it slowly.

Events would be nice. Maybe this summer there could be a surge of events from ORMO. I feel like ORMO doesn't interact with the community. Did it ever? I only recently joined, so I'm unaware of its past.

I've starting to come back to Toribash after a while of drifting away. And I'd say that I'm having fun with it and its community again. I still look at the legacy replay makers and their creations for inspiration, but this thread has led me to want to be something different, to stray from the beaten path. It may take me a while to personally determine what tbat beaten path is, and what path I want to take, but I want to do it.

A new revolution in the world of replay making might be coming, and in my opinion, that would be awesome.

I am sorry for getting a bit off topic.
Last edited by Galaxy; Jan 31, 2016 at 05:29 AM.