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Originally Posted by dankmeme66 View Post
Username: Dankmeme66
Main skills: Boxshu, ABD, and Aikido
Discord: Toridude55#7782
Age: 13 i'm not like other kids trust me give me a chance before you assume things about me because of a two digit number
Are you active: yes i'm a tad bit rusty but i'm getting back to my roots
Have you been in other clans: I have been in 2 or 3 clans the first 2 i left because it was inactive and the 3rd i was kicked because i said i was thinking about joining Pew
Am i a loyal clan member: Im a very loyal clan member if my clan members are nice respectable and active if they are opposite i might leave
General information: Im very skilled at ABD im dedicated to the grind and love chatting with people i also love to play Boxshu
Will you participate in wars: If i am online and not busy then yes i will always participate in clan wars i find them to be very intense fun and challenging i love a good and fun challenge
Why do you want to join Pew: I have played against many pew members and most of them are very good calm and friendly i love to be surrounded by people like that i also want to join because i want to be able to help and support my clan and climb to the top of the leaderboard and be an official clan one day because i know for a fact that we can do that and i want to be apart of it and be able to say that i'm proud of my clan
Time zone: I live in America in California i'm mostly on in the middle of the day or night time
If i get accepted what wars would you want to be in? I would prefer any wars around the area of ABD, Boxshu, and Aikido although i prefer these mods i will participate in all wars possible
Thank you for taking your time to read my application i took almost 30+ to write this and my tabs crashed twice so i had to restart. if you would except me into your great clan it would be much appreciated
Where else can you contact me: @big_spooky_memez on instagram i will always reply as soon as possible
How long have you been a tori user: i have been playing since late 2015 and have many alts that i have forgot the password too

PewPew Members have decided to give you a chance! Your effort in making this application shows that you really want to join. Welcome to PewPew and try to be respectful