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[Tutorial]How to display items in market without the link
This has probably happened to you: you find a great "deal" in deal finder, but you cant buy it, because there isn't a "show items" button/link.
Well, there is an easy solution. All you have to do is change the URL a lil' bit.<id_here>
every shop has an id number, and I replaced it with the "<id_here>", to prevent commercial.<id_here>
change the "market_view" to "market_items".
then, at the end of the end of the URL, add "&category=1&page=1".
if you want to display textures, just add "&category=2&page=1". instead of "&category=1&page=1".
then just go to the page and, voilá! easy, huh?
<Catguy19.0> "Quote me."
Nooo, I was one of the only people that knew this, now everyone is going to buy the cheap nice items D;
thanks guys!
Originally Posted by Dodekus View Post
Nooo, I was one of the only people that knew this, now everyone is going to buy the cheap nice items D;

someone else would've done this anyways
<Catguy19.0> "Quote me."