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[REQ] Offline Turnbase Fight
Hey, I just thought about a cool script to make, but I don't know if it is possible or not.

Basic scenario :
It's like single player, but :

- There's a timer like in multiplayer (you have 15 or 20 seconds to move)
- You cannot move your opponent, and cannot see his ghost
- When the time is over (or when you press space) the action freeze and the other player can start his turn by pressing space.
- When time is over too for player 2, the Toris move

I know we can play like this with the current Single Player mode but with such a script we can have timers, and cannot "cheat".
You need longer turn times though, something like 30 secs, to allow for seat/mouse/keyboard swapping.
-EDIT- oh wait, space to start turn. Never mind that then... but the following still goes:

Also, the player who goes first is always at a disadvantage, since player 2 can see him do his stuff and plan ahead.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Originally Posted by Skazz View Post
Also, the player who goes first is always at a disadvantage, since player 2 can see him do his stuff and plan ahead.

not if the script hides the joints, and the 2nd player doesnt watch the first player do the move
Also the players could take it in turns to go first.

Sounds like a nice idea, improve the idea a bit and someone may make it
Maybe we should make it so we can play over e-mail, like with Civilization or chess.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
I guess that you could always just send a .txt full of joint states for that. Ofc, the problem with that would be typo's/misinterpretations , but a script ( can they do this ? ), which saves a .txt of the current set of joints, and can import sets would be interesting.
/op tori or uke,done and done. just get a stop watch and permission to smack anyone taking longer than the set amount of time.