Original Post
How To Play Toribash With your Wii-Mote
Hey guys, this is my first tutorial ever so please, be easy on me.

*Cracks Knuckles*
Ok what we are going to do today is connect our wii-mote to our pc through bluetooth and run my toribash glovepie script so you can play it with your wii mote. Its complicated so I'll break it down as best as I can.

Materials Needed
1 Wii-Mote
1 Bluetooth usb dongle COMPATIBLE with glovepie (see for list of compatible devices)
Glovepie Software (found at
My Toribash .pie script
A Brain

Step 1:

First we got to get the computer to "recognise" the wii-mote. Now I'm not gonna go into much detail with this because it varies between drivers and dongles, but the main thing is when the bluetooth software is searching for the wii-mote, you hold down 1 and 2 on your wii-mote to turn the wii mote on (for roughly 30 seconds). You must keep the light flashing on the wii-mote throughout the setup. If your having problems getting your pc to recognize your wii-mote, try searching this board. Hopefully you will fix your problem, but if not, make sure your dongle is on the compatibility list. Theres nothing worse then blowing 40ish dollars (cdn) on something that doesnt work.

Step 2:

After the wii-mote is set up, Install glovepie. Now I take it you know how to install a program, so lets skip that. After you installed the program, open up glovepie and press File>Open and navigate to your Wiimote Scripts Subfolder. Now we test if you did step one correctly. Choose a script like WiiMouse Acell and open it, then press the "run" button and see if it works. You should get mouse movement of some sort if it works. If the mouse is messed up you can allways click CP-Settings>Wiimote Calabration. NOTE: The wii-mote at the moment will only move according to the tilt on the wii-mote, opposed to aiming at the screen. This is because there is no sensor bar, the thing that came with your wii. If you want you can buy a wireless one (google it) or make your own homebrew one. (once again, google some plans.) If you do get the sensor bar to work, you can now run "IR"(infared) scripts. But for now lets just stick to tilting the wiimote in the way you want your mouse to go.

Step 3:

Here comes the easy part. Unzip and open up my "toribash.pie" script (attached to this post) and give it a run! Your wii-mote lights should scan like KITT from knightrider and your ready to play! Just open up toribash and have some fun! If your a smart bastard (like me) go ahead and mess around with the script to suit your liking. If you guys want, I'll script an IR version of toribash.

If you managed to get this far, you deserve some controls.


Space : B Button
Left Click: A Button
Z:Minus Button
C:Home Button
X:Plus Button

Rotate Left: D-Pad Left
Rotate Right: D-Pad Right
Zoom In/Out: D-Pad Up/Down

Psst, the nunchuck also rotates the camera, but it doesnt work to well so best use the D-Pad.

Umm that about wraps it up. If you got this far, major props to you, and I hope you enjoy your wii-mote powered toribash!

Oh yeah, and if you dont believe me, heres a crappy video of me using my wii-mote to play toribash

Attached Files
Toribash.rar (863 Bytes, 158 views)
Originally Posted by Hitman