Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post

hi that's a good question
i think the definition of a legendary clan has always sorta been in contention because as you've said it can be challenging to distinguish the achievements of a clan from the achievements of its members

that said, i'd say that [no] was one of the prototypical and certainly among the most successful 'social clans' - at a time when the vast majority of clans were known for and recruiting based on ingame skill, our screening has always consisted purely of 'do we like hanging out with you?', and that has led to a really close group of members. many of our members have met up and become good friends in real life and as ed said, we still continue to chat and play other games together very frequently (except me, i'm stuck in medical school forever).

obviously in the context of the toribash community that's harder to qualify, but i think you can recognized based purely on the responses so far in this thread that (for better or worse) we've tended to be a very outspoken and involved group and have a well-established reputation.

anyway time to head over to the hospital, bye

clan video to be posted soon

Alright then, first off, congratulations for becoming legendary.
Gotta say im not fully convinced with the whole system. Don't get me wrong, when theres a clan that deserves Legend status besides RAWR and bncy its prbably NO.
But imo there should be guidelines for becoming legend. Kinda weird that you just become legendary by being a bunch of good friends, dont you think?
evil Führer of Evil