We do glorify the "legends" and "big names" a little too much. Hell, I'm guilty as charged. I do also agree that over idolizing someone will lead to you focusing on trying to be like them, rather than just trying to become one of said ground-breaking replay makers.

It also doesn't help to just quit when you reach your peak, keep going! If you liked it so much to get to that point then why stop? Just change the game once again, create a new style, teach others, make it to where instead of just saying "yeah, that guy's amazing" they'll say "that guy is a god"... It's not good to just give up on something you love. What would you think if Michael Jordan (the greatest basketball player of all time) just gave up once he knew he was the best?

It also doesn't help to give up if you think you will never get to that point. That happens with me, then I found someone to teach me (Bands). From that point on I didn't give up and do I come across as someone who looks like he did in his first few weeks of toribash? Didn't think so. Never quit.
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