Again i agree with everything else, i just dont see why you had to sink ALL the tc. Not just the ones he got via the bug, but also what he had made legally.

If the problem was that he could have used the bug again to transfer the tc after being banned, there are better ways you could have handled it without sinking. If the point was u sink it, because permabanned users cant use their tcs anyway ever, well you know that permabans get lifted all the time. Or is there something im not getting?
I lost a first to 5 duel in ABD 5-0 vs Fred now i have to use this shitty signature for a month
Originally Posted by Ancient View Post
I'd like people to tell me their opinions on having the Fl0w boxed wushu(replacement for boxshu) in the upcoming ranked season, fl0w lenshu, normal TK, Judofrac(?), RKMMA(?), some form of grappling(?)

sounds good but make the some sort of grappling mod lowkido then we can talk
i gotta be uncircumcised the way all this cheese is pilin up
Originally Posted by Felnin View Post
Hi Money Printer. From Ex-Staff members.

Excuse me, that's my title.
Power abuse

Originally Posted by deoxer View Post
Again i agree with everything else, i just dont see why you had to sink ALL the tc. Not just the ones he got via the bug, but also what he had made legally.

If the problem was that he could have used the bug again to transfer the tc after being banned, there are better ways you could have handled it without sinking. If the point was u sink it, because permabanned users cant use their tcs anyway ever, well you know that permabans get lifted all the time. Or is there something im not getting?

even if they didnt sink it where would it even go? back to his banned accounts? lol. not like we can do anything with it afterwards.

this thread should be closed now because all we got out of this is that swaves is retarded and felnin is even more retarded. CLOSE THE CURTAINS!

oh and glimpsed is a strawman fallacy using bitch too.
Last edited by skizz; Jun 15, 2022 at 07:54 PM.
This entire thread is an ad hominem
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Originally Posted by piss View Post
This entire thread is an ad hominem

it was pretty funny seeing demon spouting ad hominems every post talking about felnin's personal life.

6 hours of dueling to make 25 bucks? hey how many hours does swexx spend on a replay? what about your god Flash?

duelers are the only toribash players with playtime apparently and akina totally doesn't sit there playing parkour for hours on end and has a life and stuff. but felnin? spending 6 hours dueling?

WHAT A FUCKING LOSER! ahahahahahahah

you can really see how the rest of the community feels about duelers here clear as day. i blame tbash and fistoflife for this shit.
Originally Posted by Rajen View Post

cringe, raj LMFAO
Last edited by skizz; Jun 15, 2022 at 09:16 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by GHOSTFACEKILLAH View Post
oh and glimpsed is a strawman fallacy using bitch too.

hey hey "glimpsed is wrong" would have done just fine

I haven't even really commented on the swaves shit i just wanted to know why we're all catching strays from you guys here
Originally Posted by GHOSTFACEKILLAH View Post
it was pretty funny seeing demon spouting ad hominems every post talking about felnin's personal life.

6 hours of dueling to make 25 bucks? hey how many hours does swexx spend on a replay? what about your god Flash?

duelers are the only toribash players with playtime apparently and akina totally doesn't sit there playing parkour for hours on end and has a life and stuff. but felnin? spending 6 hours dueling?

WHAT A FUCKING LOSER! ahahahahahahah

i don't have anything like this to say about swexx and akina lol

once again, tell me this is healthy

swexx and akina spend their free time enjoying a free video game, felnin spends his free time playing first to 15 with 11 win advantage for a measly $10 (THAT IS IF HE WINS WITH A 11 WIN DISADVANTAGE) while his wife begs and pleads with him to just stop gambling their money on the stick figure fighting game

my problem is not with the time spent dueling, no shit ppl spend time on a video game while they're playing it lol
nobody in ormo spent 3 hours on a replay and then said "i'm so pissed off about this i'm going to recklessly gamble money on stick figures fighting instead of using it for something real" like felnin does after he spends 3 hours getting robbed

my problem is with felnin claming competitive is the only way to play the game
that's why i am only talking about felnin and not duelers as a whole (even tho i do think dueling on toribash is silly because as i said , the top duelers r now dueling for usd instead of tc, or buying tc with usd to duel)

ok this wasn't worth my time in the first place but i was bored and wanted to argue, now it's starting to get embarrassing for me so i'm DONE ok i'm OUT
Last edited by Demon; Jun 16, 2022 at 03:55 AM. Reason: poorly worded and i was kinda mean phuck u
Hi there everyone.

I believe this thread has now served its purpose. Everyone got a chance to say what they needed to say, vent, etc. I believe this thread gave lots of different users an opportunity to voice their opinion (for better or for worse) and to have a somewhat decent discussion about the current state of the game. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion I hope that this discussion can allow us to attempt to see things from other people's perspectives. That is the goal of a discussion/debate is it not?

I will not give a personal opinion on any of these topics, however, I will say that we as staff did appreciate this open line of communication between users and we urge that you voice your opinions on things you want to see changed. That is why Ancient posted this thread to encourage the community to speak up about the things you want to see added, removed, or changed. Again I urge you to take a look through this thread and leave feedback so that we can try to make this community better and flourish as we once did.

There will not be any punishments or infractions of the sort from any of the things posted in this thread because I believe a heated discussion is what was needed to attempt to jumpstart a discussion that was frankly overdue. However, this thread did take some bad turns and it looks to start heading in the direction of unproductive defamation of character so there's no point in leaving it open. Again, the line of communication between the community and your Toribash staff is always open whether it be in the Community Outreach thread, Suggestions board, or Staff Complaints. We don't want you to feel like you have to sit in a monotonous loop and watch the game and community crumble around you.

As for Swaves's ban, that is a separate issue that doesn't need to be addressed any further. Everyone is welcome to have their own opinion on whether it was right or wrong, but at the end of the day his situation was handled at the behest of upper-level Toribash staff, and Swaves is aware of the routes he will need to go to contest his punishments.

I hope you all learned something today. If any of you need anything, feel free to reach out. Thank you.
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