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Thread: [Community] Community Outreach
Originally Posted by iris View Post
You also make a very valid point, toribash is extremely unfriendly towards new players. But I think this whole dynamic is very important, it is extremely important that these new players have someone to look up to, I know for a fact that's how I got where I am today. I remember in 2014 when I'd watch Mocucha's videos and think to myself: "wow I really hope i can be that good some day!". It's important to draw new players in, but perhaps giving them something to look forward to when they're better would also help, the same way it did to me. Of course, they will have the stock replays to watch and the old videos to discover, but it really is not the same as being in a server with someone you really admire, and just seeing them in action.

I still do feel like everything you said is valid, but I don't think it's ALL of the problem, if you know what I mean. I believe I might just be thinking about myself a little too much here, so thank you for your insight and for the productive response, I didn't really think about things that way.

Nah I think your points are also good and I didn't mean to undermind it. It's just that the way I feel about it, ever since Help Squad disappeared there doesn't seem to be any development towards making this game better for newer players. There've been improvements to ranked seasons which is great for everyone I guess, but other than that I feel like everything is focused towards people who are already deeply rooted in the community. I'm just trying to level the field a little and speak for the less experienced ones, as they probably won't participate in this thread.

I'll also use this as an opportunity to expand my point because I thought of things to add. I feel like once you're in the community and you join a clan or just find friends who also play the game, it's easy to stay entertained even if the events aren't great or the game doesn't have much more to offer. The issue in my eyes is that a lot of people quit before they get that far, and without the community Toribash is a pretty boring game if we're being honest. Thus we need to either find ways of including these people as early in their game experience as possible, OR implement more features into the game where community is no longer an essential part of geting the best experience from the game.

I don't have suggestions of how that should be done, but there's definitely a discussion to be had there.

And about that "looking up to people" dynamic, I think it works both ways. When there's too many experienced players and not a lot of new faces, the standard of what is considered a "good player" goes up, and people who are good at the game might not feel like they're good or will ever be good due to how many other good players are around them. Just looking at the previous ranked seasons, a lot of good players finished gold or even silver due the ranked lobbies being dominated by the absolute top of the game players. Not sure how true that was in the most recent couple seasons as I wasn't around, but that was definitely an issue before and you can see how that can demotivate people to play the game at all.

Originally Posted by Ancient View Post
on this discussion, what about a tab on the UI menu that says like media or something? and there's videos of mocucha, concon or whatever in there for people to look at? and it gets updated sometimes or the videomakers have access to them themselves? sounds like an interesting idea i wonder if sir would implement that

That's a good idea I think. Although my view is this: if you're going to display cool videos that might motivate people to learn some skills, follow it up with tutorials or at least introductions to those topics. Currently most Toribash tutorials are outdated, so maybe it would be cool to get some tutorials about those topics and also have them in that area.

In terms of implementation that should be quite easy to do. The harder thing though is figuring out how to lay it out and what side features to implement so that it's actually useful instead of just being a galery of videos.