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Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
The initial start with that run reminds me quite a lot towards my old running style where the elbows are practically contracted as much as possible, the pec movements are VERY powerful and almost seem like they could throw you off balance any second. Also that you're extending your knees quite alot for the steps, makes it look like they go down like cannons, try extending them for a frame or two and then just relax them, as soon as they hit the floor just hold the knee. Usually gets you pretty good balance to go off of to the next step.

When you get to the first ramp to leap off i would of liked your arms to have been extended or atleast be somewhat on their way there, you get way more momentum and usually flow with it instead of launching them up and forward mid launcher, as you saw with yours, your arms just go up and swing down again without any real impact and kinda make it look very odd,

The midair steps were cool, your feet felt somewhat clunky with them being contract, i like doing what you did with your arms quite alot, that the elbows arent fully out and you kinda make motions that would make sense to keep your balance while airborne, but they do look somewhat stiff as you soar down, try and maybe relax or play with them some more so they get some more flow to them next time.

The landing was a little bit iffy since you had to plant your arms down and almost springboard up again to take your next step, it was quite twitchy and made it look a little odd. When landing like that i usually hold my shoulders upon impact before lowering them, the force you get from lowering almost as soon as you land does what you got, you go flying headfirst down into the ground or lose your balance slightly. The way your right leg just pops out and gets held mid step is a bit iffy and kinda disrupts the rythm of your steps, try waiting a little before taking that initial step after a landing, keeping your head at the same level during a run is key to not veer off to one side and making the next step harder to create.

The next few steps you take create the feeling that you try to get your back leg into the next step almost too quickly, therefore you almost scooch upwards with every step and don't really get the speed from it that you could if you got your feet planted and used the full mobility of your hip to thrust into the next step. The pec and arm movement is also quite sporadic, almost feeling like instead of just creating balance ur almost forcing balance.

The steps over those little brick thingies were quite alright, the first initial step you planted on the mid section got your knee entirely extended and almost looked like the leg would snap off from the force, again there, try to keep it somewhat contracted so you get more lean from it, then you don't have to rely on your hip being extremely pushed back so your next step becomes a bitch to deal with. However you did a good job of not contracting the left leg too much and kinda just sliding it into the next step, the next little few steps untill the block you jump up on are completely fine, however, the arm movements you did from the blocks untill the next part is very sporadic and again look like you're trying to force balance.

The jump ups from box to the next part up above are actually pretty neat, i enjoyed them, your arms and legs aren't doing too much unnecessary movement and it came out quite clean, however the moment you did the climb and got up ontop your left leg goes shooting out for no real good reason, same with your left arm that shoots straight up. you should probably have just let the leg flow up and try and just get it planted before getting into the next sequence. Because as you got up your leg is entire extended and created that issue you had with not having enough forward lean, so you got stuck and just waited it out. Launcher up to the next part is alright, woulda preferred something more clean but it did it's job.

The next little trick is cool and a neat way to get into the little grip for your life moment you got, the little pushoff from that ledge looked very forced and iffy, you shoulda tried to fall a little more out and maybe catch your left arm on the edge and swung down to the platform you eventually landed on or something like that. Landing that you got was again on the same issue from before, you got too much momentum and forced yourself down so you had to save yourself with your hands to be able to transition into the next sequence.

The little setup you did to get into the run was actually really good, problem was that you contracted your arms very forcibly and it made it look iffy, try and just swing your arms together and swing the pec back out again with a relaxed elbow, then the elbow contracts pretty much naturally and it doesn't get that iffy twitch feeling to it.

The launcher of the last little platform and the ending bit is just decent movement into the pose, IM PISSED that you didnt go and press the button though.

Good job Lucci, you're improving <3

Thank you for this breakdown, this replay I didnt take my time really and kinda rushed a lot of things. My next replay I'll take more time to work out kinks to look better. In the mean time here is a ukebash I did. My first one really
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