funny how the top players of lenshu3ng have commented and have no clue how a dqtimer works after almost a decade of playing, just goes to show how they were never really that good at the game??

if a dqtimer is set to 30 frames, the moment you touch the ground with a non-dq joint (any joint either than the feet and hand blocks) the timer starts; if you are touching the ground for 30 frames in a row, you dq.

to reset the dqtimer, simply allow more than the dq frame amount (in the case of lenshu3ng, 30 frames) will allow. for a top lenshu3ng player, you can literally bounce around on knees and elbows constantly as long as you spend less time on the joints than the time you've spent off of the ground.

if you need some quick simple maths, if you spend 5 frames on the ground (dqtimer starts), you'll need to spend 5 or more frames for the timer to reset completely, so if you spend 20 frames on the ground, you'll need to spend 20 frames off the ground for it to reset - tricky cool fun risky players will spend 20 frames on the ground, 2 frames off the ground, and then 12 frames further on the ground, before winning from a cool kick that otherwise would've dq'ed them if they had a single frame on the ground.


(edit: number of contacts has literally nothing to do with the timer)
(edit 2: basically, the second you touch the ground and start the timer, you need 20 frames in total off the timer for it to reset, but the timer will continue if you consistently touch the ground without allowing it to reset and that's where instadq's come from)
Last edited by Holotor; Oct 28, 2022 at 01:16 PM.