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Thread: [Community] Community Outreach
Listen guys we hear you, we get what you're saying. You feel our Toribash content on social media doesn't correctly represent the challenges, the entirety, the scale of the Toribash experience.

But what the Toribash community doesn't understand is our side of the coin. We have the data, we have the metrics, we know what kind of content holds attention, we know what kind of content doesn't. We've tried gameplay, tutorials, trailers, showing aikido/OldSchool Competitive mods and the community. But the things the community enjoys watching and the things a fresh newcomer enjoys watching are often different. Not to mention I am only one person curating AND editing all this, so I've had to come up with a way to make it efficient as I post nearly daily. This wouldn't work If I had to spend each day hacking apart slow gameplay footage and making trailers.
And In my opinion this game is NOT in a place I think we need trailers. I think we should at least have something NEW to offer before we work on new trailers or else it'll just be rehashing the same pitch in this

People who stay around for Toribash are patient and understand. You can't expect that same courtesy from TikTok users.

TikTok is the antithesis of what Toribash is. Tiktok is seamless, fast, user friendly, and meant to be quickly comprehended. Toribash is none of those things....yet.

Many people don't get this because all they know is the way Toribash was represented on Youtube, but we have to adapt to how it needs to be represented on Tiktok. And even back then the MOST watched content were montages of JUST replays. And it was usually Parkour, XSpar and tricking.

The community wants content for the community.
Tiktok doesn't want that.

In my opinion the backlash we receive on/off social media has nothing to do with how we present Toribash. It's Toribash Itself. You can blame social media all you'd like for the misunderstanding of how slow, challenging, and empty Toribash can be or look. And the community believes showing them gameplay, multiplayer, OG competitive mods, is the "piece" of the puzzle that'll suddenly impress or hook people on the game

But isn't the real solution to that, because it ignores the REAL issue of why people don't stay after we see these spikes in players. It's because we aren't actually making the game any more accessible, we need better gameplay tutorials so people feel supported. A UI tutorial so people can actually navigate seamlessly, maybe find modes that aren't so difficult? A new modmaker so we can see more variety and representation of modes?

Far too long we've been trying to market toribash as fighting game but I hope to shift that soon to marketing as a SANDBOX game. Because as a fighting game the games accessibility and difficulty will always remain an issue. But as a sandbox where YOU make your fun? Maybe you only want to play racing modes, or maybe just sports, or skateboarding, or maybe you just want to build environments. Forget the focus on fighting. That's a new direction and a more inclusive one that increases our value in this market. But first we must wait for the proper changes and updates.

I want to fix the problems that make people leave, so regardless of how the game is represented on Tiktok people will actually arrive and....stay?

Toribash isn't just the competitive/multiplayer mods, Toribash isn't just the MMA/XSPAR/Parkour replays we show. Toribash doesn't just have to be the slow fights, uninteresting environments, or just a fighting game. It can be so many things, Toribash has so much to offer of varying difficulty and interest.

And this year we hope to tackle some of these real issues aggressively.
But in the meantime, we are showing the most attractive side to TikTok new comers, until we can confidently switch to advertising a new, more accessible, and more inclusive Toribash experience.
Last edited by matarika; Jan 28, 2023 at 12:05 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297