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Originally Posted by footlox View Post
Can MAS / MMA mods get their own category?

TrueEnder had the same ask. And a part of me is like yeah sure but there's a reason right now I say no.
and that is because right now the most active modding community is hiding within the High Grav Community.
At least when it comes to interesting environments, weapons, and mechanics.

I feel separating out High Grav (right now at least) would make it increasingly difficult for Non High Grav players (such as a -30 grav player just looking for a cool new environment) to discover any of these new environments, weapons, mechanics, as they wouldn't go searching in there otherwise.

As a staff member on Toribash I have two personal goals, to push us closer together and to make this game more accessible for all. I feel there has been a polarization between classic/comp players, creative replay-makers, and the competitive realism/HighGrav community.

Hiding away all the newest coolest things coming out the High Grav community in their own folder would only further the divide, at least until we can create a spike in community modding at large. I feel for now focusing on what's best for new players would be the smartest idea. (instead of what would make any of our sub-communities more comfortable)

But alas if we ever get a tagging system, a way for High Grav mods to be searched without hiding them away. I'd be more than happy to do that.
Last edited by matarika; Mar 30, 2023 at 12:55 AM.
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