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  • Server scroll (but sir knows that)
  • Turbo knee bounce.
  • Forced space when a player joins.
  • Camera flying away when alt tabbed.
  • Having to spec and reenter to allow another player in when I was previously alone in a room.
  • Slash commands are sorely missed, my cam flew away and I couldn't give another player owner before quitting.
  • Vsync / frame limiter.
  • Resolution selection, I managed to bork my res by resizing the window with click drag. Steam startup options are a workaround, for those who also get stuck (thanks froog).
  • I got infinite replayed once today, unsure if that's a network thing. I've had much better luck performance wise in the last couple of hours.
  • Button to return mod tool pages to default settings / values.
  • Unsure if this is a feature or a bug. When a user quits mid game their tori finishes out the game.
  • There's no "empty room" state, for example if I create a room and immediately spectate the current game just stops.
  • Why jelly bodies?
  • Are ghosts working as intended?
  • Why the limited comms on TBN?
  • Is this feedback useful?
  • Are there any Nicalis reps on the forum or in Discord?
  • Is Nabi hiring?
  • Thoughts on Steam reviews?

Apart from that, I've had fun mucking around online. I like the weapons, it makes creating interesting mods really straight forward. On that note, the mod maker is intuitive enough that I jumped in and made a basic gladiator mod that I could play immediately with randoms, while also being able to make changes when it was just me in the room. The player cards before a match cool too, I'm sure they will be user customizable at some point rather than randomly selected? I also like that there is less waiting between matches, in TB it often feels like both players have spaced but the server is still figuring that out. This doesn't seem to be the case with TBN.
Last edited by Corey; Jan 25, 2024 at 08:16 AM.