[REL]Punchout! v1.0 - Toribash real-time boxing. -FIXED-
==FIXED FOR 3.x==

NewbLuck presents...

This is a script that lets you box in real-time against an AI controlled opponent.

* Enemy AI.
* Full GUI.
* Customizable keys and game settings through GUI.

PLEASE read the punchout.txt file in the .zip for setup and controls, and also additional notes.

To edit default settings on script startup, open the punchout.lua file in notepad and read the comments.

Please post or PM any bugs or suggestions not mentioned in the text file, or join #punchout on QuakeNet IRC.

The download link is below, I can't attach to this post because the zip is slightly larger than the allowable .zip filesize.


Thank you.
Last edited by NewbLuck; Feb 5, 2009 at 06:43 AM. Reason: loltypo
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