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Thread: Toribash 3.8
So basically here is a bug report.

When i start game the only texture that is loaded is ground texture.
When i try to reload (/lp 0 bushi84) even ground texture disapear.
The only way to deal with it is delete items.dat without leaving the game(cuz if you leave item.dat will be restored) and then /lp 0 bushi84 then some textures appear Unfortunately still no joints custom textures only hands, legs, head, torso and stuff.
If I try to put uke in custom textures textures appear but still no joints textures.
Hope that it will be fixed and i will be able to use custom folder again.

If someone encountered similar problem and solved it I am happy to hear how
Tried everything /dl uke, /dl bushi84, putting textures in another folder and /lp 0 xxx, still no joints custom textures only joints colour appear in case of uke.
i am starting to worry that joints textures is disabled even in custom folder.
Till now I will return to 3.72 was kinda similar problem but after deleted item.dat at least I could /lp 0 bushi84 and all textures appear including joints custom textures.