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Shoveling is annoying and winning isn't the point, belts are not the point. It's kind of like sparring in front of your master. You may have won, but the loser could have impressed him more. The point is to look as bad ass as possible, even if you lose you'll see that you looked like a better player and you inevitably have more skill.

I play multiplayer for a few simple reasons.

1. Unpredictable fights. Shovelers lacks this.

2. The chance to legitimately kick another persons ass
with a bad ass move. Being shoveled is not being owned in
anyway no matter how high the points.

3. Cool moves that you may have pulled off or the opponent.

A win or loss there is always going to be a cool fight without the presence of a shoveler.

Also shovelers should lose the attitude when they win it's really nothing to be proud of. I can kick a guy in the nuts
and win, but that's is nothing to be proud of. Being proud after getting punched in the face makes more sense.
Last edited by T0ribush; Feb 13, 2010 at 12:49 AM.