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Re: How to make POV-Ray videos?
Here's another way to generate a camera-sweeping animation, don't know if this is any easier.

Modify (or whichever one you're using) so the camera definition at the top has a rotate definition, thus

#macro Camera( xpos, ypos, zpos, lookatx, lookaty, lookatz)
camera {
    location <xpos,-ypos, zpos>
    sky <0, 0, 1>
    look_at <lookatx, -lookaty, lookatz>
    rotate  <0,0,-360*(clock)>
light_source { <xpos, -ypos, 3> rgb <1,1,1> }
Then put the INI file in the raytrace folder then open the INI in POVray, it'll render a 30-frame sweeping camera animation as a series of BMPs. You can change the values in the INI to have more frames, and mess around with putting the "clock" variable in different places for various camera sweeps.