Originally Posted by tripwire View Post
After reading the tutorial skjef made, I'm convinced replays is not the way to go now; it seems that the replay is an explicit description of what happens in a match. That means that if the replay doesn't say someones arm is dismembered, it won't happen.

I want toribash to take a set of commands for tensing/relaxing joints and tell me the results of those commands, but it seems like the replay does not do that at all.

Nothing will do that, other than an actual game being played using those joint states.

Not to mention, you seem to think you would be able to feed thousands of matches in a few seconds. Impossible, simply simulating those thousands of matches would take hours and hours. Toribash won't be sped up just because it wouldn't be drawing anything. Physics still make it very slow.

Once again, I believe you can't use NEAT because including external libraries isn't allowed in TB Lua.