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Thread: Head problems!
Head problems!
I tried converting my .tga with the TB converter, but it came up with this:
E> Image data is not long enough

tga_header Object
[id_length] => 0
[map_type] => 0
[image_type] => 10
[color_map_entry_index] => 0
[color_map_length] => 0
[color_map_entry_size] => 0
[image_origin_x] => 0
[image_origin_y] => 0
[image_width] => 128
[image_height] => 128
[image_depth] => 32
[image_flip_height] => 0
[image_flip_width] => 0
[image_alpha_channel] => 1000
I am posting here because no one is taking notice of my problems in the tutorial forum.