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Round 1: Firen vs Uberis. Score: 2-1. Winner: Firen -- confirmed


On a side note.

The match will consist of a Best of 3 duel, or first to 2 wins. So for example, we have Player A and B dueling. Player A wins 2 fights in a row, he wins the match. If Player A only wins 1 match, but B wins 2 matches afterwards, then Player B wins.

If someone didn't get what Huck meant i'll try to explain it a bit clearly (although i think that was already clear enough).
Possible results of your match on the first round can be just 2-0 and 2-1, basically the first one who wins two matches gets to the following round.
Last edited by Pulse; Aug 9, 2011 at 06:39 PM.
Long gone