[SP]how to get torishop items for pictures/videos
That must work in every pc/mac
P.S: it only for one replay but works.,tried by my self

Ik this gonna be short but:-
1.Open tb.exe
2.Press torishop,try all the items u want in ur tori
3.Press ESC,until - scripts,unloadscrpits.lua
4. And now press R+P,then E,u will see a hiding nabi replay but press r and p in the 500 frame,make ur move,record for youtube :3

It used to lie to friends about ur new items
Youtube videos
Faking items

Its not hack,but it don't work only in sp,pressed free play from esc would make ur tori goes back to normal..

P.S: force don't disably in making steps and after playing in the replay...kinda scripting right?

It easies steps to how to get torishop items for free only to record/show pics to friends.

I tried it and worked. :P

edit : uploaded pic....
Last edited by Nokia; Nov 27, 2011 at 06:30 PM.