The Ultimate Toribash Forum Guide- Part 2

The Toribash section of the forum is the section of the forum dedicated specifically to the game of Toribash, it has 7 Main sections:

Beginner's Sanctuary
This section focuses on helping beginners and newcomers know more about Toribash, the forums, the community, the forum leaders and many more. You may ask any kind of question that you want to know just by simply making a thread. Also, it has 2 sub-forum sections that further help beginners.
Introduce yourself
Introduce yourself is simply a sub-forum dedicated to introducing yourself to the whole community just by making a thread in the sub-forum. Please note that you must be new to post a thread. Alternate accounts do not define you as a newcomer or a beginner.
Unibash is primarily the official Toribash fighting school. It will teach from beginners to oldschoolers all the things they need to know from art to the market board. There are 4 seperate sub-forums intended to help everyone especially people who don't speak english.

In this part of the forums, you can post your replays, be uploading them onto posts (see how to do so here). You can also comment on people replays, or let other people comment on yours. You may also stumble across important factoids such as the order of belts in Toribash. There are also two sub-boards within the game section of the forums:
Book Of records
This is a section where people can post replays to show off their skill and set new Toribash records. Examples of records in the book of records include fastest decap, and fastest total dismember. There are certain conditions you will have to follow on setting records, to see more about this section read here.
Multiplayer Replays
This is where you post all of your multiplayer replays. Please note that this sub-forum contains ONLY MULTIPLAYER REPLAYS. If you want to post and receive comments for your single player replays, please go here.

The mods section of the forum is where people can post any mods they have made for Toribash. A mod is a file in the Toribash game which you can activate to change the way tori/uke/their environment look or work. MrPoptart is the main man when it comes to mods, he has made over one hundred, and is still banging them out. As well as posting mods you have made in this section, you can also comment on other peoples mods, or request a mod to be made in this thread. There are also some sub-boards within the mods section of the forums:
Lua scripts
Lua scripts are files which change the way Toribash works. In this section, people can post scripts they have made, comment on others scripts, learn how to make Lua scripts and they can also suggest Lua scripts which can be made.
Mod team
This is a section of the forums dedicated to the people who are members of the mod team. In this section, you can see how to become a member of the mod team, and view work of the mod team.
Third party
This section is where people with advanced computing skills make add-ons to Toribash which can do certain things. It’s quite hard to get your head round if you don't understand computers too well, but if you do, you can have a look for yourself at the section to see what’s going on there.

In this section, people make thread listing details of competitions, they can be Toribash multiplayer competitions, Toribash replays competitions, or competitions, and even things further removed from Toribash. Competitions have prizes, so if you want to win things for free, you best check the events board every once in a while. It has 2 sub-forums for more specific events and competitions.
Design Events
Design Events primarily focus and strictly follow design competitions only. You can go for art, video and translation competitions.
Bounty Hunting
Mostly a dead sub-forum due to the automatic bounty system which can be found here. Bounty Hunting is obviously the act for making a bounty to anyone you want to get back on. Prizes vary with the bounty makers and their budgets.

On the art board, you can post your own pieces of Toribash artwork, or comment on other peoples work. Some of the art you can find there is hand drawn, and some is made on computers with programs such as adobe Photoshop.

This suggestions board is where you can post ideas about how Toribash could be improved, or even how the forums could be improved. Some of the more useful suggestions have made it into the game, however, there tend to be lots of suggestions which are pointless. Please don’t post pointless suggestions, or else you will get your bottom smacked again (twice as hard as before if you already had it smacked). The suggestion board has been split into 3 sub-forums to help clean and manage the amount of suggestions made.
Site Suggestions
This focuses mostly on suggestions that help the forum and other non-ingame suggestions.
Game Suggestions
This focuses strictly on suggestions made by the average user for ingame suggestions. This does not include forum suggestions.
Torishop discussion
The torishop discussion is the board where you discuss all torishop and marketplace issues. This does not include any other non-market related discussions and should not be confused with the Discussion board.

The tutorials section of the forums is the place where you can look to see how to do things such as change the appearance of your character, or How to use art programs with confidence. You can also request tutorials here. There is also an index which you can look at to see if there are any tutorials worth reading. If you want to impart your wisdom upon other people, you can always make your own tutorials in the section.

The support board is where you can post any technical issues, or report any bugs. If you are having problems, you can ask for help from people here. Before you post anything in the support board, make sure it isn’t answered in the FAQ's:
FAQ's board
This is a sub section within the support board, it contains answers to problems which arise frequently with users. So make sure you have a look at this before making a post in support, because it could have answers to your questions. There is also a forum FAQ section, this is located on the top bar below the forum banner, or if you are lazy, click here to go to it.
Beta Releases
This forum is where hampa and the other Nabi developers post their recent updates with Toribash betas. The most recent one is Toribash 3.9 which can be found here

The market place is the section of the forum where people make various contracts and transactions with each other. People can buy items with toricredits, or offer art and textures they have made to be auctioned for credits. To understand this better, you might need to understand the concept of the torishop and toricredits, which is explained later. When you first click to go into the market section, you will see that all of the market threads are actually posted in the market sub boards, apart from the market rules which are posted in the first section of the market place which is where you are directed to when you click to go to the market section. Seeing as though most of the action in the market goes on in the sub boards, I will explain the function of all three sub-boards:
In this section you can sell your creations for credits. This can include textures for use in game, or avatars or picture sigs you have made. The general norm in this section is for you to either auction your creations, or give a specific price for people to buy them for. The other purpose of this section is of course to give you the chance to bid on or directly buy other peoples art or textures. Within this Sub-Board is the requests section. IN the requests section you can ask for people to make certain things for you such as avatars and textures.
In the Items section, you advertise to trade buy or sell items in exchange for credits or other items. If you are buying something from someone from the market, the normal method is for the two parties involved in the transaction to send things between themselves, so you must need trust.
Market Squad
The market squad sub-forum is used by obviously the market squad members which is lead by Hanz0. They deal with market related scams, complaints and the discussion of any new policy made by Nabi, Hanz0 or any other administrator.
This is the forum section dedicated to all things clan related, from organising wars, to applying to become an official clan. This also holds the organization sub-forum.

An organization is a group of people who are dedicated to a specific purpose or cause, an organization is not a clan, and anybody can join an organization. Each organization has its own thread for members to discuss anything they wish.

Last edited by Aspire; Apr 15, 2010 at 04:05 PM.