Originally Posted by Snook View Post
I like the way that doesn't really explain your point very well deak, seems like you just want to show that to people lol.

Anyway I actually like this idea haha though it will probably never be introduced.

^ This is pretty much how it should work if it were to be introduced, no risk of account farming to get the rewards as you only really get good rewards if you get higher belts ( which would obviously take a long time), and considering we already have the 100 qi per 24hours limit this seems like it would work out fine (just imo). I also feel it gives players another reason to play the game, just a nice bonus for getting a belt up you know.

I support it but don't expect much to be done .

and what?they send to their main id?they can sell those TC or
they will become rich.i hate this idea too.and deak is right.
i become black belt in 15 days.