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Thread: stolen things
stolen things
Ok, so... Maybe like 2 years ago, my "friend" found out my password and stole my items from my account. He said he sent them to himself and sold them.. Than he changed password. I was really mad at him. Unfortunatly, my english level was very low at that time, so I just didn't know how to ask somebody for help. Now, I want to ask you if I could get something from my items back. Or at least could you get me the password? Name of the account is 'vikusko'. I still have some tc on it (miracle) so I'd like to get them back or something. I had sphinx force, gladiator torso, head texture, left hand texture and left hand trail texture. And I'm also really mad at myself, for being such an idiot... The name of that "friend" is 'ruzakiller'. He is from Czech Republic. So, if anybody could help me getting my things back or at least pass from my old account, I would be really happy.
he was called 'killer007c'.. 'ruzakiller' is his new account
Last edited by trickyleg; Jun 9, 2013 at 09:12 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump