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Originally Posted by 00Assassin00 View Post
nblx, that's enough man! you should continue working on it, why you are not doing anything?
also, irrita, he will not even sell it for tcs, i don't think after this long hard work he wants to get a game credits for it, ofc he will want usd, but currently, there are many people looking to buy tcs, and the rate is like 5-7k per 1 usd, so he should sell it for tcs then sell the tcs, will get more 70 usd.

At this point, a set like this couldn't be justified by money, imho. The countless hours he will have spent on this set make it worth in the thousands of dollars. If he sells it, or exchanges it, the person getting this set will be very lucky as there will likely be very few, if any other set of this caliber. nblx is at the forefront of Toribash art. He is blazing a trail, innovating, and pushing the limits of this game's visual aspect. I hope he will be recognized, and honoured for it, and perhaps, rewarded for it, if that is even possible. I am very grateful for nblx's contribution to this game, especially that he takes the time to share his knowledge with other TB artists. Now that joint textures are more accessible, it opens the doors to these kinds of sets to actually be seen in-game.
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