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Originally Posted by aracoon View Post
this game is the bomb
I completed round one, feel pro
how has it taken you to make this game?

Lol round 1, game doesn't start to get into it's swing till 7. Then you'll hate life, and hate me.

In real hours actually working on it, or the amount of time from beginning to end because there's a huge difference lol.

Couple of weeks or so (if I'd been at it every day).
Thanks to RL stuff though it was actually around 1 1/2 year from start to end since I only had the occasional hour to do anything lol.
That was making 3 codebases simultaneously. Flash was finished first, Windows a few days later, Droid took around a week after that to iron out the shitty FPS.
Shame nothing can stop touchscreen controls from being awful eh?

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you