U should also take this into consideration when buying more of the same item:
For example:
Sphinx 2635 items exist and 92 circulated in the last 2 months. This means they sell very fast, and it's a popular item
Gold 614 items exist and 29 circulated in the last 2 months. This means they are pretty popular, and there is a good chance that u can sell that, once every few days somebody will buy a gold force.
Static only 119 items exist and 13 were sold or bought in the last 2 months. This makes it a rare item but with little chance of selling it before massive price drops... if u bought 30 or 40 static forces u can say u own the static force market, because most of that 119 items are lost in banned or dead accounts...then u can sell for what price u want, lower them shop ofc.
Hunter 1026 items 41 in circulation in the last 2 months. Means it's a very popular item. Because there are so many u can't own the market for these because more will pop up for a lower price then yours.
Pure 808 items and 54 in circulation. I have extended experience with these. When i had 30+ pure forces they were selling rather good. Let's say u biy 10 pure forces for 100k
u sell one pure force for 13k. This makes the other 9 pure forces u have cheaper then 10k. If u keep selling them at 10k+ the other that u have tend to get cheaper. Ofc other pure forces will show up on market or forum so u want to make sure u buy thouse to for cheapest price possible. In time u can sell for better then 13k, even 15-17k/ force. This is a long time market plan, because it takes a long time to sell many of the same item...but as they get cheaper and cheaper because u buy low and sell higher, they practicly become all profit to you in some time, and means u can sell them for any price, because it's profit, no looseing tc. Idk if i explained this right or not.
Pm me for deals