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Originally Posted by king4life View Post
Anyone else ever join a tournament room and the tourney starts literally milliseconds before you even type '/en'? Well it's happened to me and it's probably an easy fix. Join a tourney and automatically; you are entered. No more waiting on that fifth player who just won't enter (or doesn't know how). I mean, that's the reason we go to tourney rooms most of time anyway. Best thing is if you for some reason need to spectate for a while just type /sp and and the tourney begins anyway (if it depended on a 5th player to enter ) maybe this can be implemented in the next version?

Just because you're too lazy, Or not quick enough, Doesn't mean the dev have to take time to implement this.

Make a script you lazy fuck.

Altair Moderated Message:
How about you dont attack him. Just state what you need to say and move on, no need to get offensive here.
Last edited by 2WC; Sep 27, 2014 at 03:47 PM.