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Yep, 3 frames, and at around 30 FPS (the delay is specifically 30 ms which would explain why there's an occasional double-frame). I specifically pick 3 frames over 2 because it's much harder to pick out the individual frames. :v

Originally Posted by pusga View Post
i just saw an animal
is this a step towards publicly announcing yourself a furry
i want to commission coldsteel the hedgehogXshrek art~



Gnoll Horse Archer is probably more incriminating in that regard. :v
Basically, while i wouldn't claim to be devoid of furriness at all, my view of it is very Disney-esque, i.e. i (like to) see them as cartoon characters. I'm not much for the rampant Mary Sue snowflake tendencies though, nor do i concern myself with things like exact species or gratuitous self-insertion. I mean fuck, i don't even have a fursona, how am i supposed to be a furry without one of those? :U (that besides, my imagination is too lively to settle down on one creature to represent myself so blub)

Originally Posted by Ukephile View Post
Hehe I love your comics. They always make me smil c:

Hee, thanks, i'm glad to hear that! c:
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol