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Main Account: J0Y
Current belt: 5th dan black belt
Clan history: (Reach) 2010-2011, (PN)2012, [nao]2012-2016
Bans: null
Ingame activity: 2/5
Forum activity: 4/5 (I don't post often, but I lurk a lot)
Favorite mods: airhockey.tbm! Also I'm kinda enjoying wushu mods. (Note that favorite =/= good at)
Something about myself:
  • Hi, I'm a guy from Indonesia who have played Toribash for quite a while. I suck at this game and can't really play in a competitive way, but I still enjoy the game and its silliness.

    At one point I tried making textures for TC. But drawing things in general is too hard for me so I stopped. Thanks to that though, I learned (a bit) how to use image manipulation programs in general, and now I'm able to make banners/GFX stuff like this.

    I can code/script a bit. I made this thingy.

    I'm generally a socially awkward guy, but I managed to make some good friends. I'm also really lazy lol. I need a LOT of motivation to get even the simplest thing done, unless it is something that I (really) like.

    My in-game activity is low not because I'm a busy person. Yes I have some things to take care of but I also do make some free times. It's just playing Toribash with random strangers isn't really a fun thing to do in those free times. It's a different story if I'm playing with someone that I know such as clanmates, but sadly most of my previous clan's members don't play Toribash that often.

    Here are some webcomics that I usually check in my free time: xkcd, owlturd, loadingartist, buttersafe.

    Well I think that's all I want to say about me for now. If you want to get to know me more, then invite me to the clan! \o/

Why Reckless:
  • I've been searching for unofficial clans that welcomes unskilled player, nice, active, and doesn't seem like it will die in the next 2 weeks. At first, I was unsure about the first criterion but after seeing Thronior's post about how [RL] is not a skill-based clan I decided to give it a try

Replays in my fav mods: (attached below)

Thank you for your time reading this.
Attached Files
12323fff123rf23332.rpl (93.7 KB, 8 views)
a214123f41233.rpl (114.9 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by J0Y; Oct 29, 2016 at 09:03 PM.
Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.