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Thread: [Official] Ranking Updates
My personal opinion

-There is and there will alway be problems with any kind of elo/ranking system

-Currently, the belt system is only based experience

-pools of players would balance a lot more the ranking system

What grabs players attention in games is the urge for competition and satisfaction. (I excuse myself right now for any mistake or misunderstandings on what I'm about to say and I think this concept is really important for the future of this game).

It is mentally more satisfying to know that you are as good/skilled as a certain pro player or just better than others, right? That's why most competitive games out there have pools of players that compete again each other in the same pool of players.

EveryoneMost players that play lol/csgo competitively want to rank up. Here is where tb's problem come's in. Having 1 rank per person is a lot less satisfying and less global than being in the 3rd best league. People will naturally want to brag about it.

Playing against players of the same "rank"/"skill" (because these pool of players go by skill) is important because if a player rank 5 plays against a player rank 500 and loses, he could lose a lot of elo. Balancing the skill group in tb is important. I would suggest making pools of players/season (pro/semi-pro/rookie.noob... you get the point) and making the climb from pool to pool a rank within it. Just like league of legends, you must have a certain amount of lp to go in promos and win a certain amount of games to get promoted.

The brown belt idea is a great idea to filter alt accounts, but making players play vs the same belt makes no sense, just like how there are players in csgo that have a 5 years vet coin but are still silver (it happens). Idk if you understand my point I'm making, but basically, some players are naturally better than others.

With all this being said we can finally tackle the point, match making should only be ranked not with random dudes, but with a player of equal skill this would be achieved by a good ranking system therefor I would also suggest having pools of players like league of legends or csgo.

I just thought of this: there shouldn't be ranked servers, it is just them open to abuse the ranking system. (pro vs noob).


To make this matchmaking a whole lot more interesting, we need to keep out clients happy 10 tc per win is just not enough. Giving an item for ranking up from one of the pool like I mentioned earlier could be interesting since we would make players want to play matchmaking to receive those items.
Careful to make it open to abuse by ranking up and de-ranking to stack items. I think the items should be equal to its rank for example tier 1-3 items for the first rank and tier 10 items for the last and so on...

This was my idea of ranking and matchmaking, the most important thing in matchmaking is equal skill and grabbing the players attention I'm sorry for the long text/brick, but i wanted to detail my points as clearly as possible, if you have any questions or missunderstanding I would like hear it.

Give me feed back about this idea pls.

tl;dr me if you want, those who are interested will read

All mods should be in matchmaking to only promote the very best at this game
Last edited by greenblits; Mar 4, 2017 at 03:55 AM.
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