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I actually feel like i'm kinda bad at those, but hey, thanks. :v
Also, here's a funky coincidence: I have, in Shadowrun, made a character very much like that. He's an oni (a variant of ork), he's colossally fat, he's blue da ba dee da ba daaaaaai, and he's a SUMO WRESTLER. Since he's massively fat and also blue, his alias is Blue Moon. :U

So anyways, these things considered, i might actually do this rather than playing literal genie. Might take a while though, i'm not fast at things like this.

Originally Posted by Sunther View Post
Looks like a dogaroo with autism to me

that'd work yes

Originally Posted by Mack View Post
Hi shook nice dog.
What's your opinion on yooka laylee? I heard it's pretty mediocre.

hi mack thanks

I played it today and found it quite nice. It is PRETTY AS HELL (seriously i can not understate how slammin' the cartoony graphics look with modern power behind it), the controls are overall tight (except that you can't do your rolling move mid-air or while sliding) and it doesn't take itself seriously AT ALL. Obviously, if you're looking for a super serious dramatic game, Yooka-Laylee ain't gonna be your jam, but otherwise i'd say it's pretty damn good. Still not quite sure if 40€ is too much or not, but i got it for cheap because i backed it on Kickstarter, so hey! :v
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
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