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Thread: [Will Not Be Implemented] Upgrade tori control system | IK controls
Originally Posted by snake View Post
no worries, both me and thread starter are talking about the toribash next (he stated it in #6 post in the thread)

and no, boundaries where you can move parts and angles is extremely easy thing to set up and this is a part of the process of making a model rig for animation

so nope, nothing complicated, just as natural as starting blender and creating a model

okay, look, let's look at the whole thing step by step:

tricks and other cool stuff is bound to person creativity and have nothing to do with the control scheme

for example: i have complete control over tori, however i don't do any tricking, as it's not the thing that makes my mind excited, but on the other hand i can do some cool throws in aikido that the guys who do tricking can't

controls are only the interface we use to interact with the ragdoll, this is universal for all players, while the movement we create is unique to each of us and depends soely on our own decisions

mastering controls does not mean mastering the movement, if we will ignore the barrier of entry (an obligatory mastering clicking on the balls part)
it doesn't matter how easy or complicated the controls are, since it's all boils down to decisions player make, meaning

knowing what to do and when.
FYI, this is what skill universally is.

making controls streamlined will only lower the barrier of entry so more people will be able to pick up the game, however to be good in the game players will still have to know what and when to do, so no worries, it would not remove the skill part, only the unnecessary barrier to entry

Personally, I disagree with 90% of your statement. Tricking is not only about creativity. It's also about the amount of time and effort one puts into the game to achieve these movements. Aikido is an Esport, quick and exciting. But perhaps replay makers find something else exciting, hmm?

I agree with you on one thing though. Creativity is a big part of tricking and mastery. But part of what wow's people is the fact that the movements are so hard to attain. I'm sure you've seen tricking videos here and there. Imagine if you could do a perfect cork after three tries. There's no challenge, and the people who spent years perfecting their cork are now deemed average. You've taken away the one thing that the tricker prided himself on. I would say that making the game easier would be better for the game, but look at other games that are fast and easy. They hit, and then they fall and don't get played as much. Their player base rotates very fast and no one needs to try very hard to achieve any sort of movement. Toribash has had the same members for YEARS. I think that says something in itself