Daily Login Reward and country flag possible glitch.
Hey there, I updated my game to V5.2 some days ago and since then the daily login seemed to work fine.
Out of habit from other games I started my login sequence with a capital 'Y' instead of 'y' in my name. I was simply not thinking about what my actual name was, but the ToriCredits and belt were all ok, so I figured it didn't matter.
This accidental namechange may have caused 2 glitches:
1. My country flag ingame keeps resetting to tori's flag and I must login on forum to fix it.
2. The daily login sequence breaks either because I accidentally used the old version's desktop shortcut to start the (old) game, OR the daily login sequence might break due to the capital Y versus lower cap y in my name.
My first question is if my login sequence can be set back to the level it was, which is Day 3 at the moment.
My second question is if I should stay on 'Yezpahr' or 'yezpahr'.
And 3rd unrelated question: how do I make my post look normal instead of 1 block of text?
Last edited by Yezpahr; Feb 10, 2018 at 12:10 AM.