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Thread: [Game] 10k tourney
Seems u missed the part of "casual player" The reason why I didn't focus on Etourneys and events hosted by staff is precisely because of it. I am aware they do their job very well, however using these as example of how to earn money as a CASUAL player is kind of a yikes. Not only do they usually take significantly longer than the regular in-game tourneys but as you said "2 events per day on avg", meaning if a player happens to not log in while these 2 events per day happen, or even if they do happen to get in one of them but they lose once they're fucked
My focus is on the in-game tourneys that available rn, being 1.5k and 2.5k which are close to useless
A casual player won't bother to fuckin hunt events made by staff in order to earn tc because at that point it isn't casual.