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Thread: [Official] Ranking
Originally Posted by Veal View Post
lenshu13 has the same problem as you had with rk-mma. I think the solution is a simple fearkido,lenshu3ng,tk,boxshu,(maybe) judofrac split. Also having lenshu and rk in the same split is redundant and most players prefer lenshu3ng as its more comp.

I didn't say there was any problem with rk, its just not as accessible to most of the player-base.

it's not redundant its 2 very different mods, that they are both played in a circle dojo and have dqtimeout it doesn't make it the same

played totally different

Originally Posted by Rock1000 View Post
I dont think that boxshu should be replaced, half of the competitive duelers play on that mod for a reason, its competitive like abd, lenshu, rkmma, etc, and the rounds are usually faster and more enjoyable to play/watch

it's a meme, it got played this much today because itemp vs shmevin 70% of their games were in that, and they developed the clap meta for the games to end in 3-4 turns between each other - it was just a faster way to win the duels because they dueled each other so much.

that is the reason its played not because the mod is actually skill-based
Originally Posted by amebolas View Post
I can confirm the rounds in boxshu with 2 great boxshu players are not faster, especially if both want to win THAT bad

it's all playstyle, but u could make that argument with any mod, in rk i can win in the 1st 2 turns depening on the circumstance, or the game can last the full frames if its 2 good players that know how to play the mod
Originally Posted by Jewelry View Post
Can you make rooms for different ELO ranges? It's unfair for a rank 10~ to play against a rank 500+

they will win a lot less ELO and lose a lot more

there's an argument to be made that higher elo should have specific rooms that they can join up to a certain point. plats shouldn't be playing bronze period in the ranked servers. this is why the top ranks are inflated because most of the other players are streaking bronze/silver players and avoiding all the other top ranks

there should be a gold+ server and a bronze/silver server imo
Pushing powder down my musket so I may smite another opp.
I put a switch and a beam on my blunderbuss, your hood is not safe.