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Thread: Help
I recommend rather then getting these small tid bits go find a tutorial.
Get familiarized with the tutorial and tutorial request threads.
The tutorial thread is where you find tutorials. The request tutorial thread is where you request a tutorial to be made or presented to you.
For example, there are already tutorials on tricking. SO if you go in the request tutorial thread and ask for a tricking tutorial someone will give you a link to a tutorial made on tricking.
Here is a tutorial on tricking. Next time I recommend using the threads I have just discussed.
The main tutorials I found were outdated so here are some tut vids.
Usually, there are current tutorials available at all times.
I am going to give you a bunch of videos that should help you.
Most of the times rather than youtube the forums previously mentioned threads are your best bet.
Basic Knowledge Tutorial
Basic Backflip Tutorial
Cork Tutorial
Advanced Tricking Tutorial

For further references go to the toribash tricktionary to interact with fellow trickers and further your understanding.